Pierre Boulez

Pierre Boulez Conducts Stravinsky
Veröffentlicht am: 27.10.2017
Die 3-CD Edition "Pierre Boulez conducts Stravinsky" zeigt den großen Dirigenten als Meister des modernen Fachs. Mit dem New York Philharmonic Orchestra, dem Cleveland Orchestra und dem BBC Symphony Orchestra hat er die frühen Ballette Stravinskys eingespielt und, als seltenes Werk, die Originalversion der "Feuervogel-Suite" aus dem Jahr 1910.
Disc 1
Igor Stravinsky
- Suite No. 1 for Chamber Orchestra
- I. Andante
- II. Napolitana
- III. Española
- IV. Balalaika
- Suite No. 2 for Chamber Orchestra
- I. Marche
- II. Valse
- III. Polka
- IV. Galop
Disc 2
Igor Stravinsky
- Pétrouchka
- Tableau 1, The Shrovetide Fair
- Tableau 1, The Crowds
- Tableau 1, Russian Dance
- Tableau 2: Petrushka's Room
- Tableau 3, The Moor's Room
- Tableau 3, Dance of the Ballerina
- Tableau 3, Waltz
- Tableau 4, The Shrovetide Fair - Wet Nurses' Dance
- Tableau 4, Peasant and Bear
- Tableau 4, Dance of the Gipsy Girls
- Tableau 4, Dance of the Coachmen
- Tableau 4, The Masqueraders
- Tableau 4, The Moor and Petrushka
- Tableau 4, Death of Petrushka
- Tableau 4, Police and Showman - Apparition of Petrushka's Double
- Le sacre du printemps (1947 version)
- Pt. 1 "Adoration of the Earth", Introduction
- Pt. 1 "Adoration of the Earth", The Augurs of Spring - Dances of the Young Girls
- Pt. 1 "Adoration of the Earth", Ritual of Abduction
- Pt. 1 "Adoration of the Earth", Spring Rounds
- Pt. 1 "Adoration of the Earth", Games of the Rival Clans
- Pt. 1 "Adoration of the Earth", Procession of the Wise Elder
- Pt. 1 "Adoration of the Earth", Adoration of the Earth
- Pt. 1 "Adoration of the Earth", Dance of the Earth
- Pt. 2 "The Sacrifice", Introduction
- Pt. 2 "The Sacrifice", Mystic Circles of the Young Girls
- Pt. 2 "The Sacrifice", Glorification of the Chosen One
- Pt. 2 "The Sacrifice", The Summoning of the Ancients
- Pt. 2 "The Sacrifice", Ritual of the Ancients
- Pt. 2 "The Sacrifice", Sacrificial Dance
Disc 3
Igor Stravinsky
- The Song of the Nightingale
- Introduction
- Marche Chinoise
- Chant du Rossignol
- Jeu du Rossignol mécanique
- The Firebird (Original Version 1910)
- Introduction
- Tableau I, Kashchei's Magic Garden
- Tableau I, The Firebird Appears Pursued by Ivan Tsarevich
- Tableau I, Dance of the Firebird
- Tableau I, Ivan Tsarevitch Captures the Firebird
- Tableau I, The Firebird's Entreaty
- Tableau I, The Appearance of the 13 Enchanted Princesses
- Tableau I, The Princess' Game with the Golden Apples
- Tableau I, Sudden Appearance of Ivan Tsarevich
- Tableau I, The Princesses' Round Dance
- Tableau I, Dawn - Ivan Tsarevich Enters Kashchei's Palace
- Tableau I, The Sound of the Enchanted Bells - Monsters Appear, Kashchei's Guards, and Take Ivan Tsarevich Prisoner
- Tableau I, The Arrival of Kashchei the Immortal
- Tableau I, Kashchei's Dialogue with Ivan Tsarevich
- Tableau I, The Princesses Intercede
- Tableau I, The Appearance of the Firebird
- Tableau I, Dance of Kashchei's Retinue, under the Firebirds's Spell
- Tableau I, Infernal Dance of all Kashchei's Subjects
- Tableau I, Lullaby
- Tableau I, Kashchei Awakes
- Tableau I, Death of Kashchei - Profound Darkness
- Tableau II, Disappearance of the Palace and Dissolution of Kashchei's Enchantments - Animation of the Petrified Knights